
Friday, November 2, 2012

Mini Series on Pretend Play and Speech Thearpy!

Join me next week in disussing how we can effectively use pretend play in speech thearpy, why it is important, how to effectively choose materials and how to record progress!


  1. I just happened upon your page and saw this discussion on Pretend Play. How do I join in on the discussion? -Thanks, LK

    1. Lynette, sorry I must have missed hitting the reply button. But see my reply below! Thanks for your inquiry. I'd love to hear your feedback!

  2. Lynette thanks for your inquiry. You can find the first 2 installments of this mini series under the "Pretend Play" tab on the right of this blog page. I will be posting the 3rd installment tomorrow. I'd love to hear your feedback and share whatever insights you have regarding speech therapy and pretend play so we can all learn and benefit from your experience! :)
