
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Christmas trivia game FREEBIE!

Looking for something fun to do the week before Christmas Break?  How about playing a Christmas Trivia game?

Trivia games are a great speech and language activity!  You can target receptive language skills (question comprehension), expressive language skills (answering questions), auditory processing skills (auditory comprehension, memory, and recall), voice and fluency (reading and answering ?s with appropriate voice or use of fluency strategies)...and yes even articulation skills (read and answer ?s with correct production of target sounds).  All this speech and language goodness in a fun holiday themed activity!

This activity includes:
An answer key page
24 Christmas Trivia cards

Snag your FREEBIE at the bottom of this blog!

Click below to get your Christmas Trivia game Freebie:

Enjoy and Happy Talking!


  1. Thanks this looks like fun! Might use it for our family gathering (I work with preschoolers). I appreciate your work on this!

  2. Awesome stuff! I am new to the speech blog world (been a craft blogger forever). How do you use the pages at the top? It's cool that you can keep all the areas separate with their own space!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Well it depends how you want to use this activity. You could use it different ways. I added the cover page at the top for people who like to keep their materials organized in a file...they can print out and use it for that. The answer key is for your use as an SLP how you see fit. But its up to you how you want to use the trivia cards.
      Here are a few different ideas for games you could play with these cards:
      1) (this is what I did) I cut up the ?s cards and put construction paper backing on them, laminated and put in a bucket so the kids and pick the cards and ask each other ?s. I kept the answer Key so that I knew the answers and I could tell them if their guess was correct or not.
      2) you could also make multiple copies of cards and number them. The kids attempt to answer the questions on a blank sheet of paper (if you number the ? cards their answers will correspond to the #d ?) and you can have them switch papers and "grade" each other while you read the answers from the answer key. The one with the most points wins.
      3) you could also get a dice and the kids can roll the number of points they get if they answer the ?s correctly (maybe via writing using a folder barrier so they both get to answer each ? or they can take turns answering ?s)...the one with the most points wins.
      4) you could also create a folder game with this...writing answers to ?s on various pieces of paper and the student has to match the ?s to the answer (this is great for phonological awareness kiddos working on decoding, blending, and comprehension).
      5) If you are working on various goals you may want to tailor your activity toward those goals...ex. would be if you have a kiddo working on sounds in reading and a kiddo working on receptive language skills...the kiddo working on artic could read the ?s and the other kiddo could answer.
      These are just a few ideas. You have another idea that I haven't come up with? Feel free to share! I'd love to come up with more ways to use this activity :) Thanks for your comment and ? Rachel!

  3. hey this trivia games is definitely fun.. thanks for sharing the amazing post.

    Hangman Games Online

  4. Putting trivia onto Christmas cards is such a great idea. I wish I had read this article a few months earlier. If I remember next year, I'm going to have my family's Christmas cards printed with trivia.

    Trivia Games are probably my favorite passtime so I'm surprised I hadn't already thought of this. Great idea though.
