
Friday, March 29, 2013

FREEBIE Friday! Blue Car, Blue Car, What do you See?

 A few weeks ago a brilliant follower  on my FB page  (you know who you are) commented on a story about my son and she gave me a great idea!  Why not make a transportation themed book that imitates a much loved children's book that is repetitive and rhythmic in nature?  At that moment, Blue Car, Blue Car What Do You See? was formulating in my mind.  

Over the last few weeks, I've been able to purchase these very cute graphics from ReviDevi @ and make this book for my PK kiddos.

And of course you know the rules here at C-Station:  if I make, you get it!  So here it is! 

Note that this booklet is made so you can either print it front to back (and fold) OR single pages (and cut down center line and place in order).  My personal preference is single pages (so you can only see the preview picture, not the next page) but if you need to save trees, you can do so by printing front to back and just folding the book!  It's really up to you! :)

I LOVE this book because of all the language skills I can work on:

  • concepts of transportation
  • color concepts
  • transportation sorting (land, air, water, or construction vs. rescue, etc.)
  • answering "What" and "Where" questions (e.g. What does a plane do?  Where do you see a plane?) 
  • similarities and differences between various types of transportation
  • making predictions with visual cues

At the bottom of each page is a small picture preview of what object is on the next page.  I made this book an interactive book by printing 2 copies of pages 1 and 2 and using the extra set of pictures with velcro to "match up" with the preview pictures on each page!

Above you see the second set of pages 1 and 2 cut and ready for the child to match up while using his/her visual cues to "predict" what we are going to "see" next!

We match it up (I like to use velcro but you don't have to) and turn the page to see if our prediction was correct!

Check out all of the pages!!!  Want your own copy?  Grab it at the bottom of this blog!

Error on this page above has been corrected in the download!

Want your FREE copy?  Grab it here!

Happy Talking!!!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! It was brought to my attention that I had a spelling error on the plane page (forgot the "e") so I fixed it in the download. If you downloaded the 1st version, please click on the new link in this blog and download the corrected version. So sorry for the inconvenience!

  2. Wow, this is fantastic!! I have so many kids familiar with the Brown Bear rhyme, they will catch on quickly! Love the theme, love the graphics. Big thanks!!

    1. Yay! We love us some Eric Carle in my house and my therapy room. So this is a fun one for the boys. I had a spelling error on the plane page, but its fixed now and the new link above has the corrected version in case you need to download again. So sorry about that!

  3. Replies
    1. So glad you like it! In case you also downloaded the 1st version with a spelling error (no "e" on plane), the updated link above has the corrected version. So sorry for the inconvenience!

  4. Very cute! I love the idea. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thanks Julie for the feedback. I hope your kids enjoy it!

  5. I have I many kids that will love this! Thank you so much!

    1. So glad you can use it! Thanks for your comment :)

  6. Wow, love this! Such cute graphics. Many of my kiddos will enjoy this. Thanks!

    Schoolhouse Talk!

    1. I saw these graphics on and I NEEDED to buy them!!! My PK kiddos LOVE transportation anything and I agree these are so cute :) I hope your kiddos enjoy! Thanks, Abby for your comment :)

  7. This is so cute! Can't wait to use it with my preschoolers! Thanks!

    1. So glad your PK kiddos can use it! Thanks for your comment :)

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