
Monday, May 13, 2013

Giveaway: No Tresspassing: This is My Body!

I am super excited to announce that Pattie Fitzgerald, child safety advocate and founder of Safely Ever After, Inc. has given me a signed copy of her book NO Trespassing-This is MY Body! for this giveaway to celebrate Better Speech and Hearing Month.

This book is GREAT for parents, educators and SLPs when talking about child safety for children 3 years and up!

Want to know why I LOVE Pattie Fitzgerald's information so much?  Check out my May's Kid Confidential ASHAspere article to find out.  Oh and make sure you check out Safely Ever After, Inc.'s website for more great information.

The winner will be announced this Friday so enter today! Reminder:  The winner will have to privately share their mailing address with me (via email) so I can mail this book to them.  Entries from continental US only please.  

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. I would use it to address safety issues with children in therapy.

  2. Maria, you always have the best ideas and tips. Even if I don't win, we're going to seek this book out; would be a great resource to have for the kids! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks. Every once in a while this brain has a good idea...or at least knows where to find some! :)

  3. I would like to use this to teach my girls how to protect themselves. Growing up I was abused sexually and didn't even know what was happening because nobody taught me that what people were doing were wrong.

    1. I'm so so sorry to hear your story. However, it is wonderful to know you are advocating for your children's safety. I encourage you to check out the Safely Ever After, Inc website. Pattie Fitzgerald has wonderful tips and great teaching strategies for children from PK age through Teenagers. It's a fantastic resource that I know I will use over and over again in the years to come with my own children as well as my clients. Good luck to you!

  4. I'd use it to educate students and my own children.

  5. I think this would be a great book to use in conjunction with the program that our school counselor uses!

  6. I would use this to reinforce the program that our guidance counselor uses with my students.
