
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Tip Tuesday! The Nonverbal Child Part 2: Determining a Functional Communication System

This is the second installment in my Nonverbal Child series.  Remember this series focuses on the Nonverbal child under 5 years old with typical hearing and vision.  With that said I have used the same techniques for older children with age-appropriate toys and activities.  So some of these techniques can be generalized to other ages with appropriate modifications.

These presentations are based on my own clinical experience with evidence-based research I've read over the years and are meant as a guide.  The definitions in this presentation are my own and the process to determine a functional communication system is one I have trialed over the years and have come to conclude works best for my clients.  Again this is to be used as a guide!

Also take note of the additional information I add between a few slides below.  This is information I felt was important to explain but not necessarily within the presentation itself.

Disclaimer:  These presentations are based on my clinical experience and should be used as a guide only.  I understand there are many ways to perform evaluations and therapy and I am just sharing how I do it.  These presentations are not comprehensive in nature and you may add or use different testing materials, strategies or techniques.  Feel free to share your experiences below.  However, when commenting please do so with respect and common courtesy.  Thank you.

This presentation has been removed from this site! You can find Parts 1-4 of this series here!

Happy Talking!

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