
Friday, May 3, 2013

FREEBIE Friday! I Live on a Farm: An interactive book!

I saw this cute clip art from Lilly Bimble Digitals and knew I had to make some farm themed activity for my PK and K kiddos.  So I made this interactive book about living on a farm.  

It targets several things:

  • expressive vocabulary,
  • discussion of a single category (farm animals),
  • rhyming,
  • making predictions to fill in the blank, etc.

It is made to be printed front to back so you can save paper or you can cut the pages and order them as you wish.  

Check it out and see for yourself!

Grab your FREE copy here!

Enjoy and happy talking!

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  1. What a cute book! Thank you so much!

    1. Thanks Pam for your comment! So glad you can use it :)

  2. Love this book! Thanks for sharing :)

    I created an adapted Pete the Cat book, please feel free to download as my appreciation for you sharing your hard work!

    1. I'm so sorry it took me this long to reply to your comment! I thought I did it already but I guess I didn't! Anyway, thanks so much for your awesome download for Pete the cat! My son LOVES Pete the Cat and we talk about when things go wrong "it's all good". :) Anyway, thanks so much for sharing your material. It's awesome!!! :) LOVE IT!
