
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Tip Tuesday! The Nonverbal Child Part 1: Assessment!

I have been performing early childhood assessments for the last decade and particularly over the last 5 years have encountered more nonverbal children between the ages of 3-5 than I have in my previous 5 years of therapy.  I wonder if there is a trend in the severity of disabilities we are able to diagnose at earlier ages or if parents are just being referred more often.  Maybe it is a little bit of both.

Since I've had quite a bit of experience with nonverbal children, I thought I'd put together some presentations and share some things that have worked in the past and continue to work for me and how I move that child from nonverbal to verbal communication.  

Disclaimer:  These presentations are based on my clinical experience and should be used as a guide only.  I understand there are many ways to perform evaluations and therapy and I am just sharing how I do it.  These presentations are not comprehensive in nature and you may add or use different testing materials, strategies or techniques.  Feel free to share your experiences below.  However, when commenting please do so with respect and common courtesy.  Thank you.

This presentation has been removed from this site.  You can find Parts 1-4 of this series here!

Happy talking :)


  1. Very thorough! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks so much for your comment. :) I hope this is informative for all who read it!
