They can name each picture, or put the picture word in a phrase or sentence to target the sounds at a more complex level. The fun of trying to climb through the spider web without knocking the pictures off is a challenge and keeps the children interested. IF the target sound was said incorrectly, they put the picture BACK on the web. The child with the most pictures at the end, wins!
Saw this fun simple hand print spider craft on pinterest somewhere a while back and thought since we were already focusing on spiders we could make a simple craft to go with it. It is fun to provide a model to for children and see if they can problem solve what steps it takes to make the craft. You can talk about what materials you need, and see if they can figure out how to make the spider. You'll be surprised with all the solutions they may come up with.
http://amberbrunson.blogspot.com/2010/10/spider-snacks.html Here is a fun spider snack that I found online. I used peanut butter crackers, pretzel sticks and M&Ms, but I have seen other pictures of people using oreos rather than crackers. Again, its fun to make a model without the kids seeing, and watch how they problem solve what materials they need and what steps they need to take to make the snack. Tip: I used extra peanut butter to hold the legs on the cracker and to achor the M&M eyes! It is fun to watch how the kids problem solve how to keep those spider legs on! Enjoy! Happy Talking!!!! |
I cannot express my level of love for the spider web articulation activity. You could also target language goals by putting on cards for a certain goal, like actions or pronouns and have the kids talk about the picture as they get to them.
Talking With Rebecca
PS. The spider snack is really cute as well!
Oh Rebecca, how happy I am that you feel the same way about this human spider web activity! That is what I LOVE about it! Its fun, its versatile and it is MOTIVATING!!!! I hope you get to play it with your kids and if so...please share how it went! We had a BLAST playing! And yes the spider snack is fun...next time I want to use oreos b/c they are so yummy!!! Thanks for your feedback. It really brightened my day!