Friday, July 19, 2013

Freebie Friday: 1-Year Blogiversary Freebie Packet!

I'm celebrating my 1-year blogiversary with a very special freebie for all of my loyal followers.

As you know, all of the materials I share are FREE.  So how can I make a special packet to celebrate this milestone?  And how could I make this 1-year blogiversary packet special for you, my trustworthy followers?

Well, I thought it would be a nice way to say thank you to those of you who have been reading my blog for some time now, commenting, and sharing your own ideas.

So this time there will be no direct google docs link for this packet.  Instead, I will share with you a preview of the entire packet and email you this FREE packet once you answer two simple questions by commenting below.  If you cannot comment because you don't have a gmail account, but you've been a faithful follower, don't you worry!  You can head on over to my FB page and leave your comment on my post there for this blog freebie.

OK here are the two questions I have for you: 1) What was your favorite or most helpful blog I've posted over the last year?  2) What topics, issues, information, etc. would you like to see in the future?

Update 7/25/13:  I am no longer accepting email addresses for this packet!  Thank you for all of your suggestions and recommendations!

Want to know what's in my blogiversary packet?  Well I tried to make something for SLPs who work with all ages of children.  I've spent much time on this packet b/c I really wanted you to know how very grateful I am that you are following me and supporting me.  I hope you like it!  So here goes:

The first activity is for older students and students working on higher cognitive skills such as inferencing and predicting.  On each card is described a scenario with characters and inferencing and predicting questions to ask.

The second activity is a reinforcer game I like to call "Monster Mash-Up!"  You can print off as many copies of these cute little monsters as you want and play various versions of games (concentration/memory, "war", "slap", etc.) as a reinforcer for any speech or language goals. 

The third and final activity I made was "Monster Truck Jam"!  Its a fun phonological awareness game I've been playing with my own clients for some time now.  I laminate the Street Sound Mat, write letters of different sounds in the circle before each road, and when I say a word, the student will place a monster truck on the street that represents the sound he/she heard.  This has worked WONDERS for a few of my kiddos who used phonological processes as this improved their phonological awareness which translated into improvements in self-monitoring and self-correction skills.

Update 7/25/13:  I am no longer accepting email addresses for this packet!  Thank you for all of your suggestions and recommendations!

Ok so this is my 1 year blogiversary FREEBIE packet!  I hope you love it as much as I do!  Don't forget to get it by commenting below (or on my FB page) and answering these two questions:  1) What was your favorite or most helpful blog I've posted over the last year?  2) What topics, issues, information, etc. would you like to see in the future?.  Leave your email address also so I can email the packet to you!!!

1 year down!  I hope you keep following me b/c there is much more to come!!!  Happy Talking!
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  1. So far I have used your blue car, blue car pack a lot. It is hard finding materials that will keep the boys interests for a long period of time. I would love to see more materials on apraxia.

    1. I need your email so I can send you the can reply here, pm me on my FB page or you can even email me at if you feel uncomfortable with those options. Thanks!



  2. My favorite blog post was your tip to reducing habitualized misarticulations-such good tips!! I would love to see more on autism. Thanks!

  3. I love all of your Tip Tuesday features! They are so helpful and thorough! I am always looking for more information on working with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Congratulations on your one year blogiversary! Your site is awesome!
    I would love a copy of your freebie. I am always looking for inference activities. My email is
    Thanks so much!

  4. Hi Maria, You did a simple, straight-forward post on K and G that I thought was very good. The approach was direct and I liked that you added a place to write out the words-perfect for first graders and even some KG kids. What would I like to see? More on CAS-I have 3 CAS kids, one of whom is pretty severe-with behavioral challenges. Thanks for ALL you contribute!
    Tracy Morlan MA CCC-SLP
    GoldCountrySLP (I have an FB page using this name and am writing original stories with coordinating speech/language companion packets)

  5. I've enjoyed reading your blog! I really appreciate your blog on reducing the rate of articulation. I've got a clutterer that I'll begin work with next week and will use your strategies. More ideas to use with this kind of client would be great! Thanks so much for your postings!

  6. Forgot to leave my email address:
    Tracy Morlan

  7. I really enjoyed your series on The Nonverbal Child. I work with a few and it had lots of useful information. I would be interested in more information on auditory processing disorders. I have a few students with this and am always looking for more therapy ideas. Thanks for the freebie!

    1. I need your email so I can send you the can reply here, pm me on my FB page or you can even email me at if you feel uncomfortable with those options. Thanks!

  8. I love your Tip Tuesdays! They have some great ideas and good reminders of things to do!!! Also, all of your social skills posts have been very helpful!!! I would love more posts on general language activities...I feel like I am always using my same ideas!!

    1. I need your email so I can send you the can reply here, pm me on my FB page or you can even email me at if you feel uncomfortable with those options. Thanks!

  9. 1- I love your language therapy ideas for the little ones as I work in a preschool.
    2- I would like more activities/ suggestions for working on social pragamtics with higher functioning autistic children in the future.
    Thanks so much and happy anniversary!!

  10. I love your blog on the books you use during therapy (Go Eric Carle!) and I was impressed by your NonVerbal Child presentation too.

    I would love to see more phonological awareness information. I am obsessed with this topic lately!

    My email address is

  11. Happy blogiversary! I think your most helpful posts were your series about nonverbal children. In my setting (school age pre-k through 5th) I don't see many nonverbal students, but I do have one now and then.
    I would love to see more techniques in the future like evidence based vocabulary therapy or similar topics.
    Thanks again for sharing all your wonderful resources!

    1. I need your email so I can send you the can reply here, pm me on my FB page or you can even email me at if you feel uncomfortable with those options. Thanks!

  12. Congrats on your blogiversary! I love the posts on tongue thrust. They've been very helpful. For future topics, I'm always looking for posts on stuttering.

    All Y'all Need

  13. I liked your Tip Tuesday and Freebie Fridays. I don't have any ideas for you for change, but would love for you to continue doing what you are doing. It's meeting my needs! If I had to provide any topics, I'd say things on inferencing as well as using context clues to determine word meaning.

  14. I really enjoyed the entire series on working with clients who are nonverbal. I downloaded your presentations because they were so thorough.

    I like the post that you did about storybooks. I'm hoping to incorporate more themes throughout the upcoming school year, so it would be great if you continued to share your favorite books. Thank you!

  15. I loved your presentations on nonverbal clients-very organized and helpful! It would be great to have more information/ideas for higher level autism students. I also love your posts on books! Thanks so much for all your hard work. Congratulations on your year anniversary!


  16. I am a new follower so can't answer to what did I like best about your blog :) But friends have recommended this blog to me so I know it must be great! I have scanned through some of your posts and see you have a variety of posts dealing with articulation, language, social skills and much more. I guess I would say "Keep it up!" THANKS!

    1. I need your email so I can send you the can reply here, pm me on my FB page or you can even email me at if you feel uncomfortable with those options. Thanks!

    2. Thanks!

  17. Ho'omaika'i e Maria from the Big Island on your one year anniversary! Mahalo nui for always sharing your ideas, tips and communication events. There's always so much more to read and print from your blog! I have a need for many things as I have just added Birth to Three and 6-18 years to my previous 3-5 program so let the games begin! Aloha and mahalo nui again! Genie

  18. I love your tip Tuesdays. I will begin my first job as a CFY this August so all therapy ideas are helpful. :)my email is

  19. Your information for working with students that are nonverbal has been a great resource/reference. Would appreciate more on social skills.
    Thank you for your blog. Happy blogiversary!

  20. Happy Blogiverary! Your blog is wonderful and I wouldn't change a thing! I love your Tip Tuesdays and the posts you've done on using books in speech therapy. I use themes for therapy in my elementary building and I'd love to tie at least one book into each theme - so more book posts please:) Pre-Gr. 4 would be great! Thank you for all of your wonderful activities!

  21. Congrats on your 1 year blogiversary. I loved your posts on Audiology related information. I would love to get more information on cochlear implants and how to work with students who have them.


  22. Congrats on one year! That's amazing. I don't know how you find the time.
    I loved your top ten children's book post.
    I would love more information on apraxia and APD.
    Thanks so much.

  23. Congrats! I loved your post about self monitoring your speech rate. I would love more on auditory processing.

    1. I need your email so I can send you the can reply here, pm me on my FB page or you can even email me at if you feel uncomfortable with those options. Thanks!

  24. Congratulations! I loved your Top 10 posts - new materials - love it! Also, I would love more information on activities to do with preschoolers who present with mod-severe speech delays. Thank you in advance for the packet!

  25. So kind of you to offer a freebie for YOUR anniversary!I really liked your tip Tuesday post on monitoring speech rate. I love to see how others measure progress, for example, with vocabulary. My email is

  26. I also really liked your post about nonverbal children. They helped me out with some kiddos I work with. I also love your materials on TPT. I would love more material with kids with autism in mind. My email is

    1. Kelly, I don't have any materials on TpT! Ha! But I'm glad you liked my nonverbal child series. your packet was emailed to you :)

  27. Happy Blogiversary! I really liked your Top 10 posts for new materials. I also enjoy any tips I can use with my preschoolers with autism. I would love more literacy related themed activities. My e-mail is

  28. You tongue thrust remediation was the best for me! I had SO many tongue thrusters this last year LoL. Anything that takes more of the medically, anatomy based issues we'd see in schools/children and breaks it down is great for me! My email is Happy blogiversary :-)

  29. Happy Blogversary
    A very helpful blog was Tip Tuesday! Articulation Tip: Teaching Students to Self-Monitor Speech Rate!
    I love the visuals.
    I would love to see blogs on common core and speech/language skills
    My email is:

  30. You have had so many great post in the past year. I always like reading your research and eductional posts and have enjoyed Tip Tuesdays. Your post on teaching children how to answer questions and on tongue thrusting are two of my favorites, and of course I appreciate the freebies too. Thank you for the huge amount of time you commit to this blog. I look forward to following more of the same for another year.

  31. Happy one year blogiversary!

    I loved your presentation on working with children that are nonverbal. I would love to see more posts on inferencing!Thank you!

  32. Happy blogiversary!! Keep up the great work - you are a wonderful resource for lots of SLPs!

    Having to pick my favorite post is tough...but if I had to pick, I'd go with the tongue thrust remediation post. I just graduated and start my CF in August, but I really impressed my internship supervisor when I had all these new ideas from your post to treat several of my students!! So thank you for that!!

    I would love to see more info about apraxia and auditory processing therapy. I worry that I will run into kids with these issues during my CF and I definitely don't feel completely prepared to treat them independently. Any info would be great!

    Thanks! atimchula715 (@) gmail (dot) com

  33. I really like your post "12 Communication Activities to do with a Rainbow Salt Tray!" I haven't tried it yet, but I'd really like to. I would like to see more on assessments, especially differentiating between speech sound disorders and phonological processing disorders. Thanks for the packet!

  34. I like your presentations on Tongue Thrust. Such a systematic and practical approach. I also really enjoyed your Tip Tuesdays on articulation. I like all the blogs, but especially appreciate ones on new therapy tips/ just freshens things up and goes a long way in helping the students. Thanks so much for all of your hard work and congratulations.

  35. I've enjoyed many of your posts this year, but one of my favorites was about the steps you use when working on slower speech rate with your kiddos. I'd also enjoy seeing more posts/freebies for auditory processing in the future. Thanks!

  36. I found your post for expected/unexpected events really helpful. I used it with great success in my lunch bunch social skills group. My kiddos really seemed to enjoy it and had some great ideas on how they could react to unexpected events. I am always looking for more ideas/materials for social skills other than social stories. I also would love to see more blogs on the common core standards and integrating them into the speech/language goals.
    My email is

  37. Your series on Nonverbal Children couldn't have come at a better time for me. I would love anything geared towards preschool speech and language. Thanks!

  38. I really learned a lot from your presentations on nonverbal communicators. Those posts helped me the most this year. I LOVE your blog and have learned so much from it. Thank you for all of your hard work and excellent resources. My area of interest is language, so posts about any issues in the area of language are always of high interest to me. Thanks again for all of your hard work!

  39. Thank you to all who have participated in my Blogiversary celebration! I LOVE all of your great ideas! I have emailed out the packets to everyone on this list so please let me know if you did not receive it! Thank you!

  40. I loved the posts on autism as I find them helpful during my CF (as I find just about everything else helpful too!). As for something I'd like to see, maybe more in the birth to three age or preschool as I'm finding a lot of my work is with them. Love the posts though, and your materials are wonderful!!

    Thank you!!!

  41. Thank you for all that you do! I appreciate the material and information that you make accessible to all of us! The most helpful post for me this year has been your series on the nonverbal child. I will be working with a brand new MH unit this year with several nonverbal kiddos in attendance so it is very timely information for me! As far as future topics, I would love to have additional information on this topic! Thank you!

  42. I loved your post/presentation (I think it was a guest post somewhere) on the break-down of the cycles approach. I would love to see more in-depth presentations on other therapy strategies!



    1. For some reason your email address is not working and I copy and pasted it from above. If this is a typo please let me know the correct address. Thank you.

  43. I really liked your presentation on cycles approach. I would love to see more presentations like that for other approaches. Thanks!


  44. Happy blogiversary!! I am a recent addict to the blogosphere so I don't have a lot of history about which to comment. I am trying to play catch up, nevertheless, I find all your info practical and useful. I would love to see some suggestions on how to incorporate classroom models, such as project based learning. Thank you!!

  45. Happy Blogiversary. I enjoy reading all of your blogs. The one that was so beneficial for me was the one about the nonverbal child. Your assessment and goals were great and really helped out with a student I am working with. As far as other resources, I cannot think of anything off hand, I just keep checking back to see what you post. Thank you, Thank you for your work. I hope you can send to my yahoo??

  46. I really enjoy reading your blog. My favorite posts involve how to include books into therapy. I would like to see some therapy ideas for students with apraxia of speech. Thanks for all you do! My email is

  47. I really liked the post on son-rise vs ABA therapies. I would love to see more larger group/classroom based therapy ideas for general ed as well as multiple handicaps. Thank you!

  48. Congratulations and thanks for sharing your knowledge and experiences. I especially liked the post on sensory issues-an area frequently overlooked but those of us who collaborate with OTs have more experience. Recently, I have observed that knowledge of seizures is a need.

    1. Chris, you are the last email address I am accepting for this packet however you didn't leave it here. Please leave your email address, or pm me on my FB page or email me directly to so I can send you the packet. Thanks


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